Computer-generated rendering from architectural drawings.
Acoustic Concert Hall
- Dimensions: 72' x 130'
- Area: 9360 square feet
- Capacity: 520+
- Stage: 42' deep by 51' wide
- Shoebox shape for maximum acoustic quality
- Wood-framed double wall construction for acoustic isolation
- Concert hall ceiling will be 36' high
- Roof/ceiling construction designed for maximum acoustic response and isolation from outside noise
- Mechanical units (HVAC) will not be on the roof
- Fixed theatrical seating for 520+ with excellent sightlines
- Comfortable green room and dressing rooms with dedicated restrooms
- Priority uses are unamplified chamber, choral, and orchestral music
- Secondary uses include:
- Dance recitals
- Lectures
- Theater/Drama
- Amplified music
- A dedicated humidity-controlled storage space will accommodate two concert grand pianos